
Showing posts from September 30, 2008


NATURAL FOOD FOR THE PRAWN. Natural Food represent indispensablelity need its levying for the food of prawn larva. Although many plankton type able to be used as [by] prawn larva food, but for good natural food [of] hams fulfill some conditions, that is - Having size measure and form matching with prawn larva mouth - its Obstetrical [of] high him - solid Cell content and have flimsy cell wall, so that [is] easy to permeated - Quickly multiply and have tolerance which high enough to change of environmental factor - [Do] not [release] poisonous compound - Movement of it is not overactive, so that [is] easy to arrested by prawn larva. To take care of the availibility of natural food for the larva of prawn, hence require to be [done/conducted] [by] natural food culture which with quality and optimal amount. Some plankton type which [is] often used for the food of prawn [is] Skeletonema Costatum, Tetraselmis Chilii, Chaetoceros Calcitrans, Brachionus Plicatilis and of Artemia Sp. TECHNIQUE