
Showing posts from June 2, 2008

Type Conducting sea fish

Baramundi, Asean seabass (Lates calcarifer) Kakap Description Ordo : Percomorphi Famili : Centropomidae Genus : Lates Feature : long physique, flat , wide tail fin bar, wide mouth, a little a few/little, smooth tooths , underside of cover thormy gill [of] strength. Upper [of] [cover/conclusion] of gill there are jagged lobe Streaked spinefoot (Suganus javus,Linneus) Beronang Description Ordo : Percomorphi Famili : Siganidae Genus : Siganus Feature : flat Ellipse physique, small mouth. scales [at] flank line 200. Upper colour squeeze - darkly, turning white below/under. white dot [at] body tabletop and head, Tires white colour by snatches, waving length especially [in] body underside. Rabitfish (Siganus virgatus, Valenciennes) Beronang Kuning/ Kea-kea Description Ordo : Percomorphi Famili : Siganidae Genus : Siganus Feature : Ellipse physique attenuate, small mouth. Harsh tooths [at] its its[his] . Small Scales , slippery if/when touched. colour turn yellow greenness of whi