
Showing posts from August 11, 2008

Hatch and Treatment of Seed pangasius

Hatch and Treatment of Seed. For the efficacy of hatch of egg, require to be [done/conducted] [by] the following stages;steps 1) Wash out, then dry hatch basin 2) Install hapa to incubate egg 3) Pool hatch basin content with clean water 4) Enhancing anti mushroom. In the form of Ymohm Ich atauMitz counted litre cc o,o5 irrigate into hatch basin 5) Accomodating temperature [in] hatch basin. [In] Bogor, to boost up temperature by using primus stove. egg of Pangasius will hatch in tempo 28 [hour/clock] [at] room temperature 26-28 Celcius . 6) Removing seed which [is] barn old age 1 day into fairish aquarium 8o cm x 45 cm x 45 cm counted 5oo tail / aquarium. Irrigate exist in in aquarium better have diaerasi during at least 24 [hour/clock] 7) Look after burayak during 15 day in aquarium. Conservancy of Magnification and seed. Conservancy [done/conducted] [by] [in] pool which have been fertilized one week previously. utilized manure usually chicken dirt counted 1 singk / pool m2. Pool fille...

Breeding pangasius

Breeding pangasius. Breeding of fish of patin [is] usually [done/conducted] with technique marry to inject because mains of patin [do] not [is] influenced. to [be] prolific if/when with natural environment. Technique breeder of induction ( breeding induce) by inseminating gland condensation of hipofise mixed with ovaprim. Usually, this technique [is] followed with sequence technique ( stripping) [so that/ to be] castaway egg [do] not and can be incubated in aquarium. Pool construction. Pool Mains of Pangasius separate located masculine usually with mains pool of Pangasius female. If/When is not available enough pool, usually only provided [by] pool for just female mains. easier Masculine mains searched to farmer of fish compared to readily female mains lay eggs. good pool usually in form of is square [of] length because more is guarantying [of] sirkulasi irrigate and water down arrest with net. Pool better obtain;get pasokan irrigate from channel inclusion of direct water, non from oth...

Chosen Mains fish of Pangasius

Chosen Mains fish of Pangasius. selected Mains usually come from special conservancy pool [of] mains and or adrift net. Usually, locked out of [by] masculine mains [of] female mains. As for female mains characteristic and masculine mains which have made [by] good [of] the following mains. Mains characteristic which with quality is : Female. Old age 3 year. Tired wt. 1,5-2 singk / tail. Stomach of big mains up at anus. Stomach felt smooth and soft if/when groped. wine-colored and Bloated Kloaka. Husk part of flimsy and flabby stomach. If/When [about/around] kloaka depressed, will go out some egg item which its for domed and its size measure [of] uniform. male. Old age 2 year. Wt. 1,5-2 singk / tail. flimsy and flabby Stomach husk. If/When massaged, will go out dilution of sperma white chromatic. rose colored and Bloated genitals.

Habit eat and Habit multiply fish of Pangasius

1. Habit eat. [In] this fish nature [is] including is omnivorous. ( omnivora). Pangasius can eat small fishs, eating, detritus, insect, bulk, small udangudang, and mollusc 2. Habit multiply. fish of Pangasius hitherto not yet can be married naturally. Its of it still require excitement [so that/ to be] female mains will [release] its egg. Excitement taken [is] solidarity [among/between] marrying to inject ( breeding induce) with technique of stripping.

Habit of fish of pangasius Live [in] Nature

Habit of fish of pangasius Live [in] Nature. Ordinary Patin/pangasius [of] life [in] caves or hole [in] territorial water base. This fish have the character of nockturnal or avoid light and make a move active between two lights. Patin of[is including elementary fish which [is] life [in] great river and river estuary. Fish flesh of patin very crispy and delicious so that very liked [by] society.

Recognition of Type of Pangasius (Patin)

Frequently there [is] briny fish product which sold with fish lable of patin, though in fact [is] briny fish [of] bread jambal which (it) is true represent briny fish ossify one. Usually, patin very [is] delicious cooked as gulai, pepes, or other scalloping. But, patin cannot be fried crunchy like gourami, goldfish and also tilapia. Recognition of Type. Fish of Patin have long body and is not scaly. its Body length can reach 120 cm. silvery white Chromatic body, while rather blue chromatic back. Form lead small relative Mouth reside in at the end of rather side under with two sensuous moustache tide as a means of. Back fish fin of patin have hard radius which turn into big and jagged patil [in] side its back. Soft radius [of] its back fin there [is] 6 or 7. [At] part of its back there are infinitesimal fairish fat fin. Fin go with the tide in form of symmetrical intersection. its Anus fin [of] length consist of 30-33 soft radius, while stomach fin have 6 soft radius. Chest fin have 12-...