
Showing posts from June 30, 2008

Diagnostic [of] Disease of Fish.

Diagnostic [of] Disease of Fish. Symptom : small White pock [at] husk or gill, sticky gill, Cause : Ich Medication : Coppersafe, medication quickly Ich - easy. Symptom : Membrane like peppercorn, brass, sticky gill. Cause : Velvet Medication : Coppersafe, medication quickly. Symptom : white or Grey coat like white or grey Coat cotton like cotton around mouth. Cause : Mushroom, Mushroom Mouth. Medication : Maracyn, treatment of fungi, blue [of] Methyl, Antibiotika for the infection of sekunder. Symptom : Appearance of paleness. Cause : Disease of Neon of Tetra Medication : Treatment not yet been known. Symptom : Swim below par [in] pool, Black Nodul [is] squeezing below/under husk. Cause : Flukes Medication : Paragon Symptom : Turn white like cloud [at] husk. Cause : Costia, Chilodonella Medication : Coppersafe, Treatment quickly, Acriflavin. Symptom : Damage [at] tail or gill. Cause : Tail or of Fin Rot. Medication : Maracyn, blue [of] Methyl, Treatme...


DECORATIVE CONDUCTING FISH [of] AGASSIZI ( Apistogramma Agassizi) Fish of Agassizi [is] original fish of mid of Amazon river which more knowledgeable by the name of trade of Agassizi Dwarf Chiclid. Agassizi represent most interesting fish among 13 type of Apistogramma other sp, because agassizi have solidarity of beautiful colours start from silver primary colour until rust colored back. fish of Agassizi represent exporting commodity fish, which [is] its market reach cover: American, Japan and european countries but [in] local market still seldom be found. Activity of conducting started with preparation of[is place of by sterilizing each;every place of and also used equipments with PK ( Potassium of Permanganat) 20 ppm during rinsed last 30 minute and dried. In each;every admission filling of aquarium used [by] sediment water which have been given [by] salt 300 ppm. Management of water quality [done/conducted] by filtrasi and calcify 162 ppm for magnification while for hatch 90 ppm. As...