Tagging [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish.
Tagging. Tagging [is] [gift/ giving] of sign to fish body with installing foreign object. Object the used [is] objects which [do] not easy to rust silveryly, alumunium, nickel, plastic, ebonite, selluloid, and others. [At] this tag can date, serial number or other code able to give order or boldness to finding fish having the tag. This matter represent one of [the] advantage compared to with marking so that facilitate to identify individual which have been given [by] tag. Part of fish body which is [is] ordinary to be given [by] tag [is]: Part of head - jawbone under - gill cover. Part of body - back fin frontage - back fin backside - inner [of] body - part of fat fin ( fin adipose) - tail bar. Target of [gift/ giving] of sign [at] fish [is] to recognize again fish which have been said the word. Its usefulness for example to study: A. Parameter population 1. Density 2. Speed of mortalitas 3. Speed of exploitation 4. Speed of recruitmen. B. Speed and direction of ruaya. C. Growth and de...