
Showing posts from September 7, 2008


REFRIGERATION [AT] PRODUCT RESULT OF FISHERY. Handling of low temperature 1. cold Depository ( 5 - 15 degree of Celcius ) 2. chilled Depository ( 1 - 5 degree of Celcius ) 3. Chilled Storage ( - 1 - 0 degree of Celcius ) 4. Depository [of] frost ( less than - 2 degree of Celcius ). Principal of refrigeration (it) is interesting [is] hot the than food-stuff till reach wanted temperature without happened change of physical. Usefulness of refrigeration 1. Pursuing reaction of bichemistry and chemistry 2. Pursuing enzyme aktifitas 3. Pursuing microbe aktifitas. Refrigeration media 1. ice cube 2. dry ice 3. RSW ( Refregrated Sea Water) 4. cool air.

Pool model like what commonly use to look after koi

Pool model like what commonly use to look after koi + David Pool, in its book which entitle Hobbyist Guide Succesful Koi Keeping to, dividing pool become three elementary form, formal namely is, informal, and plastic pool. formal Model pool loo like with swimming pool, stiff dressy and impress opening. Usually fairish formal pool wide [of] and in. [In] around dicor with cement. This model often attend water fountain, waterfall, and various idol as accent sweetener of pool. informal Model pool have the character of natural. Natural Ornamen-ornamen like mount stoney, sand, decorative crop, clump, grass, or plant border ( constrictor crop) [is] often attached to add natural impression. Its nucleus;core, the pool made to experience of possible, impressing attend mountain nuance or countryside [in] house yard. Meanwhile, model plastic pool generally in the form of pool which have become from materials of fiberglass and remain to be [entered/included] into land;ground. Pool this type of used...


MODEL POOL of KOI – How to make pool desain of koi good + Pool Desain depended from wide [of] available land;ground. If land;ground enough wide [of], can be made [by] crankle pool and one with garden device. But, if available land;ground [do] not too wide [of] or narrow, made pool form not many choice, radian namely square or [of] length. Some factor becoming supporter of[is beauty [of] a pool [is] pool construction, installation of pool installation, and painting of pool. Elementary [of] pool have to be adapted for [by] situation of land;ground. If condition of stable land;ground and is not aqueous, pool construction can be made by using piling. Each;Every [is] square meters attached [by] four piling. But, if labile land;ground or its wet condition, have to be made [by] strong fondasi into land;ground in the form of concrete cor or of dolken. When making pool base, don't forget to think of installation of pool installation, for example pipe which can be attributed to pump sucker o...

disease of fish which because of copepoda ( Lernea Cyprinaceae )

Lernea Cyprinaceae L. cyprinaceae [is] of a kind globular lilliputian prawn [of] length like worm. [At] part of its head there are organ looking like yoke, so that this organism [is] recognized with the title yoke worm ( anchorworm). By the instrumentality of organ this is yoke worm gum in [him/it] to fish body. During its life, natural yoke worm thrice change of [his/its] body, that is nauplius, adult form and copepodid. The duration one cycle live depended from environmental temperature, in Indonesia, generally reach 21 - 25 day. [At] stadium of copepodid, this yoke worm [of] life [in] around fish body and nip husk / fish mucus. [At] this stadium, the worm very sensitive to some type of obat-obatan. Entering adult stadium, this worm [of] worm divided to become two group, that is stadium of cyclopoid adult stadium and. During stadium of cyclopoid, lernea live [in] around fish body as well as [do] not hold up to influence of medication. female Yoke worm will jab its head to husk netwo...

result of fishery

result of fishery : obstetrical [of] water in high fish body enough, hence fish quickly decay. handling [at] product result of fishery [done/conducted] by 1. Direct handling. fish after harvested [is] later;then cleaned to be to be cleaned to be to be fried and eaten 2. Pickling. Quality of fish [do] not be different far [among/between] the capturer fish with fish result of pickling 3. Processing. pickling with giving treatment [at] result of fishery as a mean to lengthen energy keep, form and condition result of fishery have differed from its genuiness 4. Diversify. product result of given [by] fishery [is] certain treatment to increase consume fish [in] society.

fat emulsion at fish

definition emulsion system : processing by exploiting fat emulsion system in water with protein upon which emulsifier. fat emulsion in unstable water, always try to cut loose, hence protein as fastener. pursuant to blubber content divided [by] 3 shares 1. Low [of] thin fish 15% high fat [of] high product --> smooth fish flesh tekstur - fish which [is] its fat > 15% flatulent fish, needn't there [is] addition of fat [at] making a[n product. if [his/its] obstetrical fat bigger than protein hence formed [by] fat coalesce so that fish product with by using the emulsion system become uglyly. and if fat less hence fish product will ossify. one of [the] the example [is] sausage.

sea cucumber as Antiangiogenesis, Anti tumor and Improve;Repair Bone

Antiangiogenesis, Anti tumor and Improve;Repair Bone. sea-cucumber benefit dissipate tumor have been proved [by] Barrel of Y, dkk, of Division of Farmakologi Anti tumor, State Key Laboratory Drug Research of, Shanghai Institute Materia Medica of, Chinese Academy Sciences of, Shanghai, China. Barrel Insulation of saponin sulphate of sea-cucumber of Pentancta quadrangulari of[is so-called philinopside A. By inseminating 2-10 Mikroliter A philinopside [at] mouse aorta, forming of micro vein [of] barn ( angiogenesis) [at] tumor cell can be prevented. As a result, tumor cell [do] not get input of nutrisi so that cell [do] not expand and finally die. That result prove that philinopside, A [at] sea-cucumber have potency [to] as anti tumor. [In] Russia, GENERAL Popov, expert research into from Pacific Institute Bioorganic Chemistry of, Far East Division Russian Academy Sciences of the of, Vladivostok, Russia, also check sea-cucumber khasiat to overcome tumor. he compare effect of sitotoksik [...

Content and Benefit Sea-Cucumber

Content and Benefit Sea-Cucumber. Result of study [in] China lay open that pregnant cucumber sea [of] glycosides saponin. This component have structure which similar to component of gingseng active, ganoderma, and materials flora of tonik famous. This study show the existence of content anti cancer [at] and saponin of polisakarida which consist in in sea-cucumber. Besides, this modern study prove that sea-cucumber can be used as a[n and tonik of suplemen gizi. Useful sea-cucumber to various dangerous disease type like stroke, asthma, coroner heart, hepatitis, tumor, etc. Useful sea-cucumber as drug because of its content which [is] komplek. According to Pieter dr A. W Pattinama, of RS PGI Cikini Jakarta, sea-cucumber weared to heal various disease because brief during can grow selsel which lose / damagely, rich of active compound and nutrisi many in the form of antioksidan, good to repair of human being body cell. Result of research of Prof Dr. Ridzwan Hashim of Malaysia, obstetrical [...

Seacucumber benefit. Multipurpose Drug since long time

Seacucumber benefit. Multipurpose Drug since long time . Seacucumber ( gamat, sea cucumber) [is] animal go out to sea to have soft body [of] Echinodermata berfillum, class of Holothuroidae. Some type in form of cylindrical [is] length like cucumber, [is] so that referred [as] [by] cucumber go out to sea or cucumber sea. Besides upon which delicious food, in the reality proven seacucumber can heal disease. [In] China, exploiting of sea-cucumber as and drug of tonik lasing have been recognized [by] since thousands of last year. Meanwhile [in] Island of Lengkawi ( a isle [in] Peninsula of Malaysia), seacucumber exploited by society as traditional antiseptic and multipurpose drug to various disease since hundreds of last year. But, at that moment used technology still modestly that is by sea-cucumber water drinked to woman after bearing to discontinue haemorrahage and quicken process healing of hurt of khitan [at] boy. Source : News Market Fish, Directorate Marketing Of Home Affairs Direct...