Fish of Pelagophils
Fish of Pelagophils. Prolific [in] open or free territorial water where egg result of breeder of [it] will float, go down downwards or climb of surface. [The] mentioned base on to specific gravity spawn determined by oil item content in egg and habit of place marry. Sea fishs a lot is the including into this fish faction. After marrying this fishs take no account of its clan will and all egg left [by] [in] area pembiakan [it]. Even though that fish have [done/conducted] the effort where behaviour when breeder of [it] aim to [so that/ to be] all the [releasing] egg earn fruit. fishs of phytophils, lithophils, and psamophils of pelagophils which have been told above [is] fish which [do] not take care of its clan or take no account of its childs. But there [is] also fish of ovipar paying attention its clan [of] goodness by making den before [doing/conducting] marriage, and there [is] also paying attention its clan after happened marriage, that is with menyimpan or protect its clan [at] ce...