
Showing posts from August 17, 2008

Breeding of Nilem carp

fish of Nilem carp [is] usually cooked [by] pepes because its size measure [do] not too big. This fish can be sold in economic package. A. Recognition of Type. Form Body fish of Nilem carp ( Osteochilus Hasselti ) almost similar to goldfish. The difference, fish head of Nilem smaller carp relative. [At] its mouth angle;corners, there are two feeler;complaint tide of peraba. its Body colour [of] grey green. Back fin have 3 hard radius and 12-18 soft radius. Fin go with the tide in form of branch and is symmetrical. Anus fin contributed by 3 hard radius and 5 soft radius. Stomach fin contributed by 1 hard radius and 8 soft radius. Chest fin consist of 1 hard radius and 13-15 soft radius. Amount of sisik [at] side line there [is] 33-36 keping. Near by angle;corner trap to the there [is] 2 sensuous feeler;complaint tide. fish of Nilem carp. can reach body length 32 cm. [In] West Java, fish of nilem have popularitas a little below goldfish. [In] various other area, this fish [is] known as ...

Fish species of ovovivipar

Fish species of ovovivipar its amount much more many from [at] fish of vivipar. [At] fish of ovovivipar, growth of child in mains content get food of supply of available egg yolk and [at] this faction [of] its situation [is] non plasental. But [at] faction of Elasmobranchia which [is] vivipar according to Hoar ( 1969) there are also which [is] its situation [is] non plasental apart from ordinary have placenta. Matter that way [at] fish faction of Elasmobranchia represent complete example [of] [of] food contribution of mains to its clan start from situation which [there] no [gift/ giving] of food of mains until to its for which [is] komplek. Egg [at] fish of ovovivipar pregnant [of] organic material 20 - 40% too many for one borne fish children. Probably because this matter [of] mains only giving just protection to growth of mentioned egg. But there [is] also fish of ovovivipar having egg where organic material content [of] him a few/little. For its mentioned growth [of] fry get need of...

Fish of Mustelus canis and Sphyrna tiburo in fact fish of vivipar......

Fish of Mustelus canis and Sphyrna tiburo in fact fish of vivipar, but [at] start of growth of [his/its] egg for a few month;moon like fish of ovovivipar. Its egg which containing many egg yolk represent food for the growth of mentioned embryo before formed [his/its] [of] placenta. Every egg form external network of egg yolk so that finally like staying in separate room. Later;Then from uterus also grow network which finally will [is] braiding each other with network coming from egg [is] so that formed [by] a kind of placenta. Bar egg yolk will patch [at] a kind of mentioned placenta, where embryo later;then will accept its food from mains. A period of/to containing fish faction of Elasmobranchia unegual ovovivipar. Fish of Myliobastis bovine a period of/to containing four months [it], Trygon Violacea two months , three-month Urolophus Halleri and Squalus acanthias two months . Fish of Mustelus canis which [is] pregnant vivipar during ten months. Differ from fish faction of vivipar and...

Result of internal fertilisasi [of] fish of vivipar .............

Result of internal fertilisasi [of] fish of vivipar when its child [is] borne [is] fishs individual which have almost perfect like mains fish and to early life in territorial water [shall] no longger base on mains but to effort alone. Equally its mains [shall] no longger ' give provisions to its child after that child [is] borne. fry of Vivipar when in mains content get food and [release] its dirt [pass/through] a kind of placenta which have a lot or vili of trophonemata and equiped by capillary vein. Other the things of with mammal faction, fish of vivipar a period of/to containing [him/ it] can change. Because that fish [of] poikilothermal, hence if territorial water temperature progressively increase from usually, a period of/to that fish content can become short progressively, or on the contrary. While fry able to be contained by its mains pursuant to to is big [of] its mains. Ever greater [of] mains more and more fry able to contain of. However [at] fish of vivipar able to con...

Process Breeder of Fish.

Process Breeder of Fish. [At] fish of Set of relatives of Scorpaenidae which [is] ovovivipar have been found [by] many sperma which patch [at] coat of epitel follicle which enter, but that sperma have never been got in follicle. Impregnation [at] this fish faction the happening of after kopulasi that is by sperma which have [in] in female fish body. [At] some Set of relatives fish of Embiotocidae after happened sperma kopulasi which come into female fish body if egg fruit [do] not admit of six-month life until later;then. This Sperma [of] egg fruit which will still reside in in follicle. Fruit egg which have when coming into ovary have reached segmentation phase early and reside in situ during 10 - 12 months so that reach furthermore growth phase. [At] fish faction of Elasmobrancia female, ovari and its [of] him [do] not all installing. For example [at] fish of Urolophus halleri, and ovari of oviduct its starboard dwindle and [do] not function. Trygon bleekeri lkan don't have and o...

Vivipar yolk egg have of spawn....................

Vivipar yolk egg have of spawn [ is] which [ is] and reduced very [ at] life child early growth, mains of food get body mains in. Ovovivipar yolk egg more have of spawn, body mains its in staying when food child its for good which, acre there case this in where of some ace only mains mentioned from of just protector. While [ at] its egg ovipar of fish also body fish outside life its cycling early fry for good which yolk egg many containing. breeding [at] faction of vivipar or of ovovivipar [do] not [is] forever followed by impregnation and growth of result association of egg with sperma in female mains body. To succeeding impregnation [him/ it] [at] this fish faction, like have been told that this fish have instrumentality that is part of anus fin which have metamorphosed genital or [him/it] of pabilla big which named " pseudopenis". But on the contrary [at] fish of Apogonimberis its its[his] urogenital [at] fish can be signalized and touched to accept sperma of masculine fis...