Breeding of Nilem carp
fish of Nilem carp [is] usually cooked [by] pepes because its size measure [do] not too big. This fish can be sold in economic package. A. Recognition of Type. Form Body fish of Nilem carp ( Osteochilus Hasselti ) almost similar to goldfish. The difference, fish head of Nilem smaller carp relative. [At] its mouth angle;corners, there are two feeler;complaint tide of peraba. its Body colour [of] grey green. Back fin have 3 hard radius and 12-18 soft radius. Fin go with the tide in form of branch and is symmetrical. Anus fin contributed by 3 hard radius and 5 soft radius. Stomach fin contributed by 1 hard radius and 8 soft radius. Chest fin consist of 1 hard radius and 13-15 soft radius. Amount of sisik [at] side line there [is] 33-36 keping. Near by angle;corner trap to the there [is] 2 sensuous feeler;complaint tide. fish of Nilem carp. can reach body length 32 cm. [In] West Java, fish of nilem have popularitas a little below goldfish. [In] various other area, this fish [is] known as ...