
Showing posts from August 31, 2008


DISEASE WHICH BECAUSE OF COPEPODA. Copepoda [is] lilliputian prawn faction which often attack exterior fish body and gill. This parasite earn life [in] brine and also freshwater and very [is] difficult controlled. member of Copepoda which non parasite often share to medium inang of worm parasite. Many parasite of Copepoda penetrating fish flesh without can be prevented by treatment of chemistry. This parasite have complicated life cycle. Argulus Sp . Argulus Sp . [is] of a kind lilliputian prawn which the including into set of relatives of Argulidae and represent ektoparasit. This organism have circular body form [of] pipih like flea, so that [is] often referred [as] [by] fish flea ( louse fish). Its body [is] provided with appliance able to be used to hook;correlate its body [at] gill and suck food gist;sari. this Parasite attack generally [do] not generate death [at] fish because he is only sucking its just blood so that fish become thinly. Hurt of[is ex- this sucker appliance repre...