fish disease: vibriosis in fish
fish disease: vibriosis in fish Cause: Vibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. ordalii, etc.. Bio - Ecology Pathogens • Bacteria in sea water ecosystems, and vibirosis still is a major problem for marine fish farming industry. • The case of vibriosis can occur throughout the year, but commonly associated with stress due to handling, high density or changes in extreme weather. • The death rate of fish at the larval stage up to the size fingerlings are attacked by the bacteria may reach 80-90%. Clinical Symptoms: • Weak, loss of appetite, swim in the water surface, and opaque color. • Inflammation of the rectum, gills, mouth, base of fin, followed by bleeding and blisters on the surface of the body, as well as open wounds. • In advanced infection of bleeding in the mouth and base of fins, excess mucus in the gills, dropsy, pale liver color. and eyes swollen. Diagnosis • Isolation and identification of bacteria through a bio-chemical tests Control: • Disinfection of a...