
Showing posts from July 6, 2008

At A Glance Fish of Gurame Kumpay Town of Tasikmalaya

At A Glance Fish of Gurame Kumpay Town of Tasikmalaya Fish of Gouramy kumpay [is] first time found [by] someone [in] River of Citanduy and in the year 2005 sold by Mr. Yoyo to Mr. Self- and in May 2006 Fish of Gouramy Kumpay start breeding by Mr. Self-, by traversing [among/between] 1 masculine mains [of] kumpay with wight 2,5 singk / go with the tide by 4 female mains tail of local type with female mains wight mean 3 singk / first cross ekor.Dari yield seed counted 25 tail which consist of 10 tail of gouramy black colour kumpay and 15 tail of gouramy white chromatic kumpay. Result of breeder hereinafter have yielded 800 size measure tail 3-5 cm at the price of Rp.100.000,- / tail, 600 size measure tail 5-8 cm at the price of Rp500.000,- / tail, 100 size measure tail 8-12 cm at the price of Rp.1.000.000,- / tail and 150 size measure tail 12-15 cm at the price of Rp.2.000.000,- / tail. Target of marketing besides around Tasikmalaya also there [is] request of Depok and of Bandung. used P...


WAY OF MAINTAINING EXCELLENCE OF GOURAMY One of [the] way of easy and cheapest in maintaining excellence a[n fish type [is] to select massly in big group. [At] way of this, a number of mains from various mix type in a[n breeder pool without [to] select excellence to mains. Hereinafter, yielded seed to be re-selected by [doing/conducting] election at random. Election [done/conducted] by paying attention footage, heavy, physique, colour, and other characteristic able to be seen directly [at] fish which [is] perceiving. Seed candidate having excellence selected pursuant to criterion as expected. such criterion cover normality of physical ( [do] not handicap ) start from scales, fin, head, tail, body, and fish activity motion in excitement merespon from its its[his]. Way of other which is [is] ordinary to be [done/conducted] [by] [is] to marry to traverse mains massly and also couple. [At] way of this, beforehand [to] select early to mains. selected mains have excellence seen from body wei...

Eat Fish Lessen Risk of Diabetes [At] Children

Eat Fish Lessen Risk of Diabetes [At] Children. Not yet this old, Of American Medical Assosiciation the Journal ( JAMA) have publicized international study newly about role eat fish able to lessen risk disease of diabetes [at] children. In the study concluded that a pattern eat ( rich diet) with oil of omega3, found abundance [at] fish and various other seafood can cut opportunity of risk equal to 55% to type diabetes 1 [at] children. This matter represent very finding [is] necessary for children [in] Autralia, because this higher disease case average relative compared to other state. Study [done/conducted] [by] during 6 year, entangling 1.700 children and claimed as first research hook;correlate with children diet ( above baby ). Study led by Dr. Jill Norris, epidemiloght of University of Colorado, United States. The Finding very signifikan and seethe with excitement because [is] likely enabled to overcome a[n disease [pass/through] intervention of nutrisi. Disease of type dibetes 1, ...

Some Type conducting Gouramy fish able to by us as breeder of fish

Some Type conducting Gouramy fish able to by us as breeder of fish 1. Gouramy Goose or Gouramy Soang ( gourami geese) Ggrey white chromatic body, and big scaly. compared to long and bigger Body size measure [of] other type. maximal Body length 65 cm. If/When looked after better, its wight can reach 8 - 2 Singk per tail. Growth and growth of [his/its] body also more fast. Egg yielded by female mains more 2. Gouramy Purwokerto Distinguish Gouramy purwokerto body colour [do] not far differ from Gourami of soang, ashes black. body length and wight also as does soang gurame. uppermost Other characteristic of gurame this type of [is] its quicker growth from [at] other gurame. 3. Gouramy Jepun ( gourami japonica) Distinguish its japan gouramy [of] him [do] not too big, only reaching 3,5 singk / tail. Its shorter body even also compared to with other type. Maximum 45 cm. red and ashes white body colour 4. Gouramy Porselen Distinguish its body colour porselen gouramy [of] silver and is pink ( f...


GOLDFISH : Water ( gram) : 80,0 Protein ( gram) : 16,0 Energi ( K) : 86,0 Fat ( gram) : 2,0 Calcium ( mg) : 20,0 Iron ( mg) : 2,0 Vitamin of A ( SI) : 150,0 LATES C. : Water ( gram) : 77,0 Protein ( gram) : 20,0 Energi ( K) : 92,0 Fat ( gram) : 0,7 Calcium ( mg) : 20,0 Iron ( mg) : 1,0 Vitamin of A ( SI) : 30,0 FLATULENT FISH : Water ( gram) : 76,0 Protein ( gram) : 22,0 Energi ( K) : 103,0 Fat ( gram) : 1,0 Calcium ( mg) : 20,0 Iron ( mg) : 1,5 Vitamin of A ( SI) : 30,0


BENEFIT FISH TO HEART AND FACE Fish as health friend (it) is true become a[n motto which must and often possible we [do/conduct], because fish can fortify body of heart sickness and can assist to overcome pimple and make ageless us. Why that way good for? From result of research, please prove that heart sickness " shy at" visiting Eskimo people because they have fortified their x'self with consuming many fish. From result of research also indicate that one who consume adequate fish in number in the reality have smaller risk suffer trouble of kardiovaskular, because rich cod [of] fat acid of omega-3 assisting to clean poisons [in] body and heart by improving process of antikoagulasi ( anti cloting) blood. Its way, by lessening abnormal cloting that happened blockade able to be venous [of] artery and harden venous wall, which is [is] ordinary to be referred [as] with arteriosckerosis. Research also indicate that omega fat acid 3 can give effect which are positive, goodness ...

Claim Legally About Benefit of Omega-3 [at] fish.

Klaim Secara Legal Tentang Manfaat Omega-3 pada ikan Claim Legally About Benefit of Omega-3 [at] fish. Industri perikanan Inggris secara legal telah mengklaim manfaat omega-3 fatty acids dan mencantumkan pada produk perikanan mereka setelah secara terus-menerus dilakukan studi ilmiah oleh the Scotish Food and Drink Omega-3 Group, the Joint Health Claim Initiative (JHCI). Industry fishery of English legally have claimed benefit of omega-3 acids fatty and mention [at] product fishery of them after [is] continuously studied erudite by Scotish Food Drink Omega-3 Group and the, Joint Health Claim Initiative the ( JHCI). Special storey;level of acids fatty, met [at] oleaginous fish, cod suplemen and oil coming from algae have [is] repeatedly proved can lessen risk death of heart attack effect, where industrial during the time legally not yet can / dare to claim benefit of omega-3 and mention [at] tidiness of their product. That verification have been poured in a[n word which [is] its sound m...

Fish Prevent Baby Born Prematurely

Fish Prevent Baby Born Prematurely. One of [the] benefit consume fish regularly in the reality can prevent baby born prematurely. To pregnant mother which [is] ratio consume sea fish with quality of good ( [about/around] sehan gr l5) baby will born normal body weighing. Research have been [done/conducted] [at] a number of pregnant woman which during a period of/to its pregnancy consume fish. On the contrary woman which consuming fish once within a week have risk bear premature baby or according to month;moon but baby body weight less. Dr. Sally Cubbin of BUPA'S leading research [in] Denmark tell " To adult, consuming useful fish improve;repair health of body. Fish have the quality of good protein. And so do [at] balita, obstetrical [of] alpha acid of linolenat acid and of linoleat be of benefit to health as well as growth of [his/its] brain." Source : Proclaim Cakalang Edition of II Februari 2005 BPPP Ambon.

Role Of Fish In Improving nutrient.Society.

Role Of Fish In Improving nutrient.Society. Fish have one of [the] protein type which [is] its exploiting have been [done/conducted] [by] since some last century by human being as one of [the] valuable food materials [of] high nutrient and compared to the source of its food-stuff [of] milky him, egg or flesh. Fish represent the source of high nutrient to increase the quality of human life [is] absolute because ● Fish have sour composition [of] more compared to complete esensial amino [of] vegetation ( plant ) ● assorted Pregnant fish [of] absorbent mineral and vitamin by body and less once there are [at] vegetation food ● Representing the source of protein which high enough and value digest high ferrum and protein enough ● Fish protein can prevent the happening of " Sportanemia" that is fragile red corpuscles [at] sportsman. Beside that, in cod especially certain type sea fish many is acidulous [of] fat of Omega-3 this [is] more pre-eminent from other fat ( Muhilal, 1990 ) ● ...

Eat Fish, Prevent Cancer.

Eat Fish, Prevent Cancer. Do not be abundant if people now tell to eat that fish [is] felt progressively need. Because, besides as source of rich food [of] protein and useful for the requirement of human being nutrient every day, fish have other Iihat vitamins which can prevent disease which still difficult to cure, namely cancer. [Is] during the time reported that food which play a part in to prevent cancer [is] fruits and vegetable. Whereas fish group play a part in to prevent aterosklerosis and heart sickness of coroner. Newest research indicate that fish consumption in the reality also play a part in to prevent appearance some cancer type. That thing is for example seeing in result of research of Esteve Fernandez ( 1999) from Institute of Universetari Cladding de of Publica Its its[his] de, L'Hospitalet ( Barcelona), Catalonia [in] Spanyol ( Italian). The research entangle [about/around] 10.149 sampel patient of cancer and [about/around] 7.990 people as a group control. [...