At A Glance Fish of Gurame Kumpay Town of Tasikmalaya
At A Glance Fish of Gurame Kumpay Town of Tasikmalaya Fish of Gouramy kumpay [is] first time found [by] someone [in] River of Citanduy and in the year 2005 sold by Mr. Yoyo to Mr. Self- and in May 2006 Fish of Gouramy Kumpay start breeding by Mr. Self-, by traversing [among/between] 1 masculine mains [of] kumpay with wight 2,5 singk / go with the tide by 4 female mains tail of local type with female mains wight mean 3 singk / first cross ekor.Dari yield seed counted 25 tail which consist of 10 tail of gouramy black colour kumpay and 15 tail of gouramy white chromatic kumpay. Result of breeder hereinafter have yielded 800 size measure tail 3-5 cm at the price of Rp.100.000,- / tail, 600 size measure tail 5-8 cm at the price of Rp500.000,- / tail, 100 size measure tail 8-12 cm at the price of Rp.1.000.000,- / tail and 150 size measure tail 12-15 cm at the price of Rp.2.000.000,- / tail. Target of marketing besides around Tasikmalaya also there [is] request of Depok and of Bandung. used P...