Populer fishes
Popular fishes. Among freshwater fish cultivated, some species are popular fish, either because it is the most widely cultivated fish, lead fish, or as a food fish that has long been known. a. Goldfish. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is the oldest fish in the history of freshwater aquaculture in Indonesia. Even goldfish is the most widely cultivated fish in Indonesia until 2003. In 2003-2004 carp aquaculture in Indonesia experienced a disease KHV (Koi Herpes Virus) are terrible. Until late 2004, the center of cultivation centers carp was destroyed, however, the cultivation of carp remain in demand. In 2010, the national fish production reached 267.1 thousand tons, which ranks third after tilapia and catfish. b. Nila. Currently tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) is the belle of freshwater fish in Indonesia. National tilapia production in 2010 reached 491.8 thousand tons, which was ranked first. Farmed tilapia absorbed the local and export markets. Tilapia is also the most fish produce new varieties...