
Showing posts from October 11, 2008

ANALYSIS FOOD PRAWN. Analysis Carbohydrate

ANALYSIS FOOD PRAWN. There are some aspect able to be used for the analysis of prawn food, that is : Chemically, Physics and Biology. A. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 1. Analysis Carbohydrate. Analysis Carbohydrate can be [done/conducted] qualitative and is quantitative, that is pursuant to nature of specific chemical reaction and sakarida. Analysis Qualitative. Carbohydrate if/when reacted with condensation of naftol in alcohol, [is] later;then enhanced [by] condensed H2So4 neglectlessly, [at] its dilution boundary will be formed [by] purple berwama furfural. This reaction [is] recognized with reaction of Molisch representing reaction of public of carbohydrate. Other some ways for the analysis of carbohydrate [is] by is assorted [of] examination, like : - Test of Antron. 0,2 condensation ml follow the example of in tube reaction of enhanced [by] condensation of antron ( 0,2 % in condensed H2So4). Incidence [of] rather blue green or green colour designate the existence of carbohydrate in example [...

ANALYSIS FOOD PRAWN. protein analysis.

Analysis Protein a. Quantitative Analysis - Way of Kjeldahl. Way of this used to analyse harsh protein rate in food-stuff indirectly, that is multiplying result of analysis with number convert 6,25 will be obtained [by] protein value in food-stuff. Number 6,25 coming from serum conversion of albumin which usually contain 16 % nitrogen. Principal [is] way of analysis of Kjeldahl shall be as follows: originally materials of dektrusi with condensed sulphate acid use oksikhlorida selenium katalis or item of Zn. Amonia [is] that happened accomodated and titration constructively indicator. Way of Kjeldahl generally can be differentiated to the two way of that is way of macro and macro half. Way of is macro [of] Kjeldahl used for example [of] which is difficult [of] dihomogenisasi and is big [of] example [of] 1 - 3 gr, while flourishing is macro [of] Kjeldahl designed for pocket edition example [of] that is less than 300 mg of homogeneous materials. Way of the analysis will prosper w...