
Showing posts from June 8, 2008


TECHNOLOGY CONDUCTING FISH of GOURAMY Breeding female and male Characteristic Mains female : - Forehead is not uppermost - Flimsy chin [of] brown white colour - [Releasing] egg if/when pressed Male - Uppermost forehead - Thick Chin [of] colour turn yellow - [Releasing] sperma if/when pressed Size measure 2,5 - 3 Singk / tail breeding Ratio of male : female = 1:3 per tide Result of breeding 3000-5000 egg per den. Hatch of egg - Egg with quality rust colored goodness and do not turn pale - Temperature = 29 : 30oC - High of water = 15-20 cm, aerasi enough - Density = 4-5 item / cm2 - Hatch time = 36-48 hour - Degree of hatch = 80-90 % - [At] place of / hatch basin, egg which have hatched to be looked after ± 7 day. conservancy of seed a. conservancy I - Solid [of] disperse 40-80 tail / m2 - Old [of] conservancy ± 40 day - Goals harvest size measure 3-5 cm. b. Conservancy II - Solid [of] disperse 20-40 tail / m2 - Old [of] conservancy ± 40 day - Goals harvest size measure 5-8 cm. c. Conser