
Showing posts from August 18, 2008

Lobster Freshwater

Lobster Freshwater. Differ from prawn pole, lobster can be marketed [by] goodness as prawn consume and also as aquarium decoration. That is why prospect of lobster much more [is] open compared to other prawn commodity. This Lobster in a short time become primadona because amendable [in] basin bargain. Recognition of Type. Lobster [is] generally arrested from coast. Coastal fisherman Baron [is], Yogyakarta with dinghy swim and catch lobster among rocks, [is] later;then sold [by] [in] coast or sent to buyer. Nowadays, freshwater lobster can be developed [by] [in] lawn pool, [is] same as other bream commodity. Freshwater Lobster ( Cherax Sp .) [is] one of [the] pertained gender [is] crustacea ( prawn nation ) which entire/all cycling its life happened [in] freshwater. its big Body size measure naturally. Its body consist of two shares, that is head ( body and cephalotorax) ( abdomen). There [is] part of [among/between] him that is subcephalotorax. Entire/All its body [is] blanketed with c...

Fish and Habitat breeding

Fish and Habitat breeding. Pursuant to to kinds of used [by] habitat [is] fish when breeding, we earn to classify the the fish become some faction like following: Fish of Phytophils [is] prolific fish faction [it] [at] territorial water which there are vegetasi to paste up [released] egg. such territorial water usually stagnan or [his/its] small stream. In fact the condition of such territorial water if seen from dissolve oxygen facet, hence its situation all kinds of that is strarting from territorial water which [is] oxygen insuffiency will be mentioned so that which [is] its rate. enough. However plant exist in in the territorial water presumably represent a[n needed to condition taking place breeder [him/ it]. Fish which including into fish faction of phytophils for example Esox Lucius, Perca Sp., Notemigonus Crysoleucas, some fish which including into Set of relatives of Labridae and of Cyprinidae. In Indonesia which have famous as conducting fish and including into fish of phytop...