EARLY CYCLING LIFE FISH. Attention to processs which there are in growth early fish life represent piquancy because relating to the fish population stability in a[n territorial water. Mortalitas in the early growth of fish life generally very big where fluctuation of mortalitas have big share in determining variation [of] produce [at] annually. However this matter still need digs of furthermore research to be developed [by] its benefit. More to fishs species of tropik, a lot of which not yet been laid open. Spawn with its sharess. Vertebrate egg, pursuant to to amount of deutoplasma ( egg yolk, etcetera) which there are in cytoplasma, can be divided [by] two ( Nelsen, 1953 a. egg of Homolecithal ( isolecithal). this Egg faction only there are [at] mammalia. Amount of scanty deutoplasma especially in the form of fat items and biggest egg yolk in cytoplasma. b. egg of Telolecithal. In egg of this faction there are a number of egg yolk gathering [at] one of [the] its pole. fish of Ganoid ...