
Showing posts from July 7, 2008


SEEDING OF FISH of CORYDORAS ALBINO ( Corydoras Aeneus ) Corydoras as decorative fish which have commodity export which [is] very promise, so that become society choice for the conducting of. fish of Corydoras the including fish type of catfish. Where corydoras included in Ordo Siluriformes, Set of relatives of Callichthyidae and Gender of Corydoras. Activity of seeding of fish of corydoras cover mains selection, drawing up basin of pemijahan, drawing up the place of hatch of egg, treatment of larva, treatment of seed, handling of disease and transportation of seed. Activity of seeding of fish of corydoras early with mains selection. In this mains selection, [is] selected [by] mains which have matured gonad that is old age [about/around] 1-2 year [so that/ to be] yielded [to] egg earn maximally. Breeder [done/conducted] naturally. If/When mains which [is] breeding in number many hence breeder [done/conducted] [by] [in] cement basin, while if/when a few/little, [done/conducted] [by] [in...


CONDUCTING FISH of CUPANG ( Betta Splendens) For the conducting of fish of cupang, place of representing preparation early conducting. Place of used for masculine mains enough [at] toples - small toples and kept individually, while for female mains can be placed [at] fairish aquarium 100 x 50 x 33 cm, with volume irrigate 100 litre. Place of used for the conducting of fish of cupang previous have didesinfektan with condensation of PK, and water used for the conducting of fish of cupang use cassia alata leaf immersion water which have been precipitated [by] during 24 [hour/clock]. Fish mains of cupang breeding to be minimum old age 5 months, matured [of] genitals, healthy and have never been come down with or pest, good [of] masculine mains and or female mains. Breeder of fish of cupang [done/conducted] naturally. Medium used for breeder by using fairish aquarium 25 x 15 x 15 cm, later;then the aquarium filled [by] cassia alata leaf sediment water [is] and also given [by] a few/little s...