
Showing posts from September 22, 2008

Area Come [from] and Spreading Of Fish of Betutu.

Area Come [from] and Spreading Of Fish of Betutu. Fish of Betutu anticipated [by] original fish [of] Indonesia coming from island of Kalimantan. But, whereas people there [is] also having a notion that fish of betutu come from Sumatra because since long time there [are] over there, even become Sub-Province Roof-Gutter mascot of Betutu. Considering the name of betutu become single name [in] island, hence fish of betutu anticipated to come from Sumatra. While [in] this Kalimantan fish [is] named [by] fish of bakut fish or of bakukut meaning to be kept quiet. [In] town of Pontianak, this fish [of] stupid fish bemama or fish of goblog because in character which [is] always kept quiet. This fish only moving if/when peckish and if (there are) any prey which [is] coincidence pass in front of him. If/When have is fully filled, just [to] this fish will be be kept quiet it though see prey which have been mastered to be to be grabbed by other fish. fish of Betutu in this time have met many [in] ...

fish potency and benefit of Betutu / cork / snake fish.

ANTECEDENT. Our Nation ( Indonesia ) very is requiring [is] source of protein to become a[n smart and healthy nation. fish of Mempakan one of [the] source of gilt edged protein. pregnant Fish mean flesh [of] protein ( 9 - 22 %), fat ( 0,1 - 20 %), mineral ( 1 - 3 %), vitamin, lecithin, guanin, and a little a few/little cholesterol. A. the Target of and Target Development Of Sub-Sektor Fishery. Imposingly territorial water and abundance its[his] various fish type in Indonesia, hence government of cymbal or expect that requirement of Indonesian nation protein can fulfill from fishery sub-sektor. Thereby, target of and target development of sub - fishery sector, beside improve foreign exchange to state, is to improve prosperity of people with target [so that/ to be] goals every body Indonesia can consume fish ± 25 singk / people / tired year. If/When the goals can reach, hence Indonesian nation surely will become smart and healthy nation. B. Potency Fishery of Freshwater. Development of f...