
Showing posts from September 24, 2008


CONDITIONS OF BIOLOGIS AND HABIT EAT PRAWN of WINDU. A. CONDITIONS OF BIOLOGIS. Prawn of Windu ( Penaeus Monodon) included in Penaidae familia. Sub of Ordo Natantia, Ordo Decapoda and of Klas Crustacea. This Group [of] life [in] territorial water base / bentik, frown upon light and hide [in] mud in the day time. Have the character of cannibal, especially in a state of peckish and [there] no available food, having ammonia ekskresi which high enough and for growth needed to change husk ( moulting). Some environmental factor which influence the continuity of life and growth of prawn shall be as follows : 1. Temperature. Prawn require temperature gyration [among/between] 25 till 32°C [so that/ to be] earning life and grow normally. Temperature territorial water excelsior, fast excelsior [of] metabolism in prawn body. This condition will make balance to at the height of accelerateing food consumption. If/When temperature increasing, prawn of stres and will [release] abundant mucus. On the c...