
Showing posts from August 16, 2008

Breeding fish

Breeding . breeding as one part of the reproduction represent cycle link [of] life determining the continuity of species life. Addition of fish population base on succeeding this breeding [him/ it] as well as base on the condition of where fish larva and egg later expand. Therefore in fact breeder claim a[n certainty for the security [of] continuity of its clan life by chosening place, beneficial condition and time. Pursuant to this matter [of] breeder every fish species have different habit depended to that breeder habitat to pass off its process. Under normal circumstances fish pass off breeding of minimum once in one cycling its life such as those which there are [at] fish of salmon and of sidat. After [doing/conducting] breeder, fish mains [of] death because running out of of energy. Most of all fish pembiakan [him/it] pursuant to sexual reproduction that is the happening of association of cell produce sexual organ which in the form of egg of female fish and spermatozoa of masculin...

vivipar, and ovovivipar of ovipar

vivipar, and ovovivipar of ovipar. Referring to breeder, recognized [by] there [is] three kinds of fish that is vivipar, and ovovivipar of ovipar. fish of Vivipar and of ovovivipar [is] fish producing children him while fish of ovivar [is] fish [releasing] egg when happened breeding. Difference [among/between] fish of vivipar with fish of ovovivipar lay in growth of contained egg and situation of its childs when borne. fish of Vivipar and of ovovivipar usually small berfecundity and its clan get a kind of confidence or guarantee of mains to be able to pass off early hidupya safely. While [at] fish of ovipar usually big berfekunditas or amount of big [released] egg [it] caused to make balance to situation pressure around from atypical matter especially from attack of predator. This matter indicate that fish of vivipar and of ovovivipar more modern than fish of ovipar in maintaining species eksistensi. In course of its its[his] that is when happened breeding, fish of ovipar more [releasi...

Fecundity and population

Fecundity and population. Bagenal ( 1978) telling that beside absolute fecundity there [is] also population fecundity that is amount of all egg from all absolute fecundity [of] female fish to be prolific, that is all egg which to be [released] in one season of breeding. In this [relation/link] [of] specific age fecundity ( fecundity specific age) representing component of fecundity population. If/When known [by] structure old age from the population and amount of each its member [is] known, hence population fecundity can know. [At] per annum unegual population fecundity. this Causes variation [of] relate to age composition, environmental factor like supply of food, density of population, territorial water temperature, dissolve oxygen, and others. Fishs which [is] life [at] less fertile territorial water [of] its egg production lower. Attempt with [gift/ giving] of rabon [at] fish of salmon, Scott in Bagenal ( 1978) getting that reduction of food cause reduction of its egg amount and [a...

Fecundity with race

Fecundity with race. different Stok Fecundity of [is] same species have been weared for the distinguishment of race by many researcher. Different race have the nature of large size unegual fecundity and so do its egg. Hence species coming from one arrest area can know from amount of its egg. Pursuant to this matter, population can know heterogeneous or homogeneous. Fishs from one species live in various habitat like different river or in territorial water which, differing latitude possible have difference of egg in its its. source : M. Ichsan Effendie