
Showing posts from September 25, 2008


FAT. Fat required as source of energi. Existence of fat have important role also for growth and continuity of life, especially some sour type [of] fat very is having an in with [of] life of prawn. Sour [of] fat also function to dissolve vitamin. Sour composition [of] fat exist in prawn very hand in glove its [relation/link] with fat which implied in given food. One fat gram can yield 9 kkal per gram while protein and carbohydrate only yielding 4 kkal per gram. Special to territorial water organism, fat play a part in to minimize beratjenis, so that organism can float [in] water. Some researcher report that given food fat rate and source have real influence to body fat rate. According to Sick and of Andrews ( 1973), given [by] prawn [is] food without fat have body fat rate 4,93 % from dry weight. While [at] food which is the each given [by] fat coming from 10 % ox fat, 10 % corn oil and 10 % linseed, causing each prawn body fat rate become 7,27 %, 7,82 % and 8,58 %. Matter this means re...

HABIT EAT PRAWN of WINDU ( Penaeus Monodon) .

HABIT EAT PRAWN of WINDU ( Penaeus Monodon) . [In] nature, prawn of windu ordinary eat various type of Crustacea big, Brachyura, vegetation objects, Polychaeta, Mollusca, small fishs and limited small Crustacea in number. While looked after prawn [in] fishpond eating many Copepoda. Although prawn of penaid represent omnivorous animal ( Omnivora), however in general prawn represent predator to invertebrata which [is] movement of tardy [it]. Result of inspection to prawn innards;bowels of windu looked after [in] fishpond indicate that its food consist of type plankton of Lyngbya sp, Spirulina, Skeletonema and from type of zooplankton that is Brachionus sp ( Ranoemihardjo, 1980). Even though, situation of place environment live prawn will have an effect on to eaten food type. In effort conservancy of prawn, given food besides have to have the quality of which its [of] him have to enough, because lacking of food will be more quicken death of animal which [is] conducting. Till now Artemia n...


CONDITIONS OF NUTRISI TO PRAWN of WINDU. Source of nutrisi ( gizi) [is] generally classified to become five category, that is: protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral and vitamin. To support growth and continuity of its life, prawn require nutrisi which qualitative and also quantitative fulfill conditions as according to requirement of prawn. the Iihat vitamins have to stay in food which physiologically function as source of regulator Iihat vitamin of[is continuity of life. PROTEIN AND ACID of AMINO ESENSIAL. Protein represent organic compound [of] complex, lapped over to the many acid of amino pregnant [of] elements of C, H, O and of N which [do] not have by carbohydrate or fat. pregnant Protein molecule also sulphur and phospor. Protein of vital importance to body, because this Iihat vitamin have function as materialss in body and also as constructor Iihat vitamin and regulator. As constructor Iihat vitamin, functioning protein in forming new network and maintain network which have there...