term fishery of newest continuation
- Pass to mature Egg : Condition of egg in ovary, because at the (time) of maturing [do] not happened impregnation so that become to pass from cooking, so that [do] not, earn fruit again - Lorica : cover Rotifera - Matured [of] egg : Ripe, ready for fruit / prolific - Melanophore : vitamin Colour, black pigment [at] larva - Morphologi : Form and outward appearance - Morula : Mount growth of egg after impregnation, where setting have split more than 64 setting - Neurola : Mount growth of egg after impregnation, where embryo nerve formation start to be formed - Neuromast : Formation Nerve - Oil Globule : Item Oil, fat reserve as source of energi to larva beside egg yolk , during 3 - 4 day - Outlet : Pipe expenditure of water - Seed Panti : Hatchery, a[n place conservancy of fish covering conservancy of mains candidate, mains, egg, larva, and seed - Physical excitement : A[N way of to stimulate fish for breeding by environmental manipulation physically, like is high [of] water, temperatur...