
Showing posts from August 25, 2008

things influencing chemical composition [at] fish

Fish science a lot of that is : Physical, Chemical, Biology. Factor influencing fish chemical composition 1. Intra and species inter 2. Way of living or way of eating 3. different Ground Fishing 4. Time or arrest season 5. Livelines of fish 6. Gender.

excellence and weakness of fish

excellence and weakness of fish to result of fishery product. Excellence of fish [is] 1. value of Biologis 90%. value of biologis 90% its meaning if/when eating 1 fish singk hence 90 gram [in] our body, and 10 castaway gram. 15% fish flesh fully contain protein. 10% protein from besides fish flesh 2. Met many. fishery potency more or less 6,5 million ton / th [in] indonesia 3. Its cheap price 4. Accepted many. weakness of fish [is] 1. high Water rate. Fish have high water rate, hence easy to happened decomposition process till decay, easy to live mikroorganisme as decomposition of deterioration 2. pH come near neutrally. fish pH generally 6,5 - 6,7. if/when low pH hence deterioration microbe cannot live 3. Fastener jacquards a few/little 4. oxidized Easy fat. Omega fat 3 and omega 9 representing fat is not saturated [is] easy to oxidized, so that emerge rancid aroma.

type of aerator

type of aerator a. Gravity Aerator ( Influence of gravity ). principal : dropping water so that happened contact irrigate with air which is more. kinds of : 1. Weir with splash board 2. Weir with paddle wheel 3. Weir with rotating board 4. Weir with inclined plane without hole 5. Weir with inclined plane with hole 6. Lattice aerator 7. Riser with perporated aprous b. Surface Aerator ( Surface ). Principal : mixing water which have there [is] in pool by transmitting into the air or make its surface become wide [of] is ( surging) c. Diffusier Aerator ( mixing ). Principle : mixing air have oxygen [to] in water so that the more water which mixed with air d. Turbine Aerator ( paddle wheel) e. Combination 2 or more a until d.

Principle of Aerasi Water

Principle of Aerasi Water. Principal [of] aerasi [at] fishpond [is] to 1. extending surface areal which [is] contact with air 2. Mix [of] water with other materials or air so that water which [is] have low oxygen [to] [of] contact with air or oxygen 3. Mixing water which [is] have high oxygen [to] with water which [is] have low oxygen [to] 4. Water Sirkulasi 5. Air as source of highest oxygen [in] nature.