
Showing posts from August 8, 2008

Trypanosome Spp

3. Trypanosome Spp. Representing parasite [at] fish blood, [is] usually propagated by leech. This parasite [do] not generate danger to fish of inang, fish with only containing some tail of trypanosome will not show symptom of klinis. [At] heavy infection case [of] fish will experience of fish and anaemia will looked to be weaken its gill looked to be turn pale. Prevention : shut-out carrier [t] ( leech ) Medication : there is no drug able to be used for medication.


2. Cryptobiasis Cause : Cryptobia Sp . Parasite have triangle body form with part of keen and blunt posterior [at] part of anterior, and provided with 2 of flagella that is 1 of flagella short [of] dianterior and 1 of flagella long [is] [circle;coil] the than part of anterior to shares from other side shares and body of posterior. This parasite represent parasite obligat patch [at] bream gill and husk. Branchialis Cryptobia represent parasite [at] goldfish gill ( Carpio Cyprinus), Carrasius Auratus, Ctenopharingodon Idelus . Death only happened [at] seed fish. Agitate infection Cryptobia of inang [is] same but its infection place only [at] husk, but [at] heavy infection earn [is] also found [at] gill.


B. FLAGELLATA 1. Costiasis. Cause [is] : Costia Sp/ Ichthyobodo Sp . Ichthyobodo represent parasite of obligat gum in [at] body of inang ( gill or husk) by using cytostome. [At] infection [is] hence this parasite will place x'self [at] cell coat of epithel among scale. While [at] heavy infection hence the parasite will disseminate the overall of part of fish body and even until gill. Infection can be good [of] wild fish and also fish which [is] conducting. Factor racing this parasite infection [is] density of too high fish. symptom of Klinis : fish seen is matt, like blanketed by coat which [is] ashes white chromatic effect of abundant mucus production. Haemorrahage and damage fin will seen [at] heavy infection. If gill infection hence will looked to be its gill turn pale and closed over with mucus. will lose appetite, swimming to weaken. fish sometime its body rubbing [at] pool wall or base. Preventive: controlling amount irrigate with usage of filter, preventing wild fish so th...

Asagi Blue Koi Chromatic

Asagi, Blue Koi Chromatic. Asagi [is] koi having fair blue or blue chromatic body with cheek, stomach, and red fin fold. fair Blue Scales and form undamaged formation. Although Asagi tend to to have existing head [of] its stain, but immaculate clean in fact prefer. Some Asagi have no to ruddle [at] its stomach. Ruddle this it is said will disseminate to back so that close over blue colour in line with the increasing of age of Asagi. Asagi with red blot [in] head named Asagi­-Menkaburi ( Mask Covered). Fold Fin chest which is [is] rose colored to be referred [as] [by] fin of Shusui. Ruddle him will not see [at] back. Kajo-Asagi ( Dark Blue Shusui) [is] Asagi which [is] its body colour as dark as body colour of koi black. Narumi-Asagi [is] having pattern of Narumi, becoming individuality of Asagi. Mizu-Asagi [is] koi having colour most fair among Asagi. Asagi-Sanke [is] koi having blue back colour turn pale. Head and its stomach shares there are red sign, and undercarriage [of] its ...