Asagi, Blue Koi Chromatic. Asagi [is] koi having fair blue or blue chromatic body with cheek, stomach, and red fin fold. fair Blue Scales and form undamaged formation. Although Asagi tend to to have existing head [of] its stain, but immaculate clean in fact prefer. Some Asagi have no to ruddle [at] its stomach. Ruddle this it is said will disseminate to back so that close over blue colour in line with the increasing of age of Asagi. Asagi with red blot [in] head named Asagi-Menkaburi ( Mask Covered). Fold Fin chest which is [is] rose colored to be referred [as] [by] fin of Shusui. Ruddle him will not see [at] back. Kajo-Asagi ( Dark Blue Shusui) [is] Asagi which [is] its body colour as dark as body colour of koi black. Narumi-Asagi [is] having pattern of Narumi, becoming individuality of Asagi. Mizu-Asagi [is] koi having colour most fair among Asagi. Asagi-Sanke [is] koi having blue back colour turn pale. Head and its stomach shares there are red sign, and undercarriage [of] its ...