fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp
fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp . Lowe in Gerking ( 1975) expressing that fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp [is] the amount of that yielded fry during individual life spans. This matter of course very difficult once determining [him/ it] even not possible (to). Referring to nature of fish of mujair brooding on its childs in mouth, hence Bagenal ( 1978) proposing term of fecundity for the fish of mujair ( Tilapia Mozambika ) [is] as follows: a. " Fecundity Ovarian" that is amount of existing matured egg in ovary before [released] in breeding b. " Fecundity Brooding" that is amount of egg which [is] brooding on in its mouth. Fish which including into faction of vivipar, that is fish producing children him, having three kinds of fecundity that is a. " Fecundity Prefertilized" that is amount of egg in ovary before happened impregnation b. " Fecundity Fertilized" That is amount of egg which [is] fruit in ovary c. " Fecundity Larval" [is] t...