
Showing posts from August 14, 2008

fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp

fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp . Lowe in Gerking ( 1975) expressing that fecundity [at] fish of Tilapia sp [is] the amount of that yielded fry during individual life spans. This matter of course very difficult once determining [him/ it] even not possible (to). Referring to nature of fish of mujair brooding on its childs in mouth, hence Bagenal ( 1978) proposing term of fecundity for the fish of mujair ( Tilapia Mozambika ) [is] as follows: a. " Fecundity Ovarian" that is amount of existing matured egg in ovary before [released] in breeding b. " Fecundity Brooding" that is amount of egg which [is] brooding on in its mouth. Fish which including into faction of vivipar, that is fish producing children him, having three kinds of fecundity that is a. " Fecundity Prefertilized" that is amount of egg in ovary before happened impregnation b. " Fecundity Fertilized" That is amount of egg which [is] fruit in ovary c. " Fecundity Larval" [is] t...

fecundity [at] big and old fish

fecundity [at] big and old fish. Fishs the old man and is big [of] its size measure have smaller fecundity relative. Generally higher fecundity relative compared to with individual fecundity. fecundity relative will become maximum [at] fish faction which still is young ( Nikolsky, 1969). Source : Moch. Ichsan Effendie

fish relative fecundity

fish relative fecundity. fecundity relative [is] the amount of egg per set of length or weight. this fecundity even also in fact deputize individual fecundity [is] if not paid attention fish length or weight. Applying of fecundity relative have [done/conducted] many by some researcher people. There [is] taking weight as its divisor and there [is] also taking length. May even exist combining usage of fecundity relative that is ovari per set of weight with fish length. Good but individual fecundity and also fecundity relative [do] not show capacities reproduce from population because individual fecundity [do] not show population fecundity. Usage of fecundity relative with set of weight according to Bagenal ( Gerking, 1967) more coming near to condition of itself fish from [at] with length. Even according to Nikolsky ( 1969) more is expressing [of] female fish status and quality of from egg if weight weared without digestive appliances weight [of] its food. Source : Moch. Ichsan Effendie

total fecundity [of] fish. fecundity in fish ovari.

total fecundity [of] fish. fecundity in fish ovari. In ovari usually there [is] two kinds of egg size measure, small and big. That big egg will be [released] in the year and small will be [released] next in the year. But often happened if condition of goodness, small egg even also will be [released] to catch up big egg. Referring to this matter hence suggested to determine fish fecundity if that fish ovari [is] in maturity phase which to IV ( according to Nikolsky) and momentary best before happened breeder. individual fecundity will difficult to apply for fishs performing [a] breeding several times in one year, because containing egg from various storey;level and will be more be difficult again determine really egg will be [released] in the year to come. Become this good individual fecundity applied [at] fishs performing [a] annual breeding or one year once. Referring to this matter hence irrelevant individual fecundity with total fecundity. Royce ( 1972) expressing that total fecundi...