
Showing posts from November, 2009

Pests and disease prevention in fish Catfish Sangkuriang

Pests and disease prevention in fish Catfish Sangkuriang Just like other fish, catfish sangkuriang not be separated from the threat of pests and diseases. Disease affecting sangkuriang catfish most often caused by environmental conditions that are less supportive, such as water quality (especially temperature) under standard or stress due to the fault handling sick fish. Meanwhile, the usual pests attacking sangkuriang catfish include snakes and eels, while organisms that attack pathogenic form Ichthiophthirius sp., Trichodina sp., Monogenea sp., And Dactylogyrus sp. Poverty entry of pests of seedlings can be done by providing a recommended insecticide when filling the pond water, clean the pond dikes, and put plastic around the pool. Pathogenic organisms prevention can be done with the cultivation of environmental management is good and a regular feeding and inadequate. Treatment can use drugs recommended. environmental management can be done by doing a good pond preparation. If you n...

The history and origins of tilapia fish in Indonesia

The history and origins of tilapia fish in Indonesia Nila fish was first imported from Taiwan to Bogor (Center Fresh Water Fisheries Research) in 1969. A year later, these fish begin to cast to some areas. Indigo naming provisions under the Director General of Fisheries in 1972. The name is taken from this fish species narna, namely nilotica which is then converted into. Name nilotica showed these fish homelands, namely the river These fish are naturally migrating from its original habitat in the river Nile in Uganda (the upper reaches of the Nile) to the south past kw Raft and Lake Tanganyika to Egypt (along the River Nile). Nila also found in Africa, central and western parts. Largest population is found in fish ponds in Chad and Nigeria. With human intervention, today tilapia has spread around the world starting from the continent of Africa, America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Classification Initially, indigo included in Tilapia nilotica species or tilapia fish from groups that do...


Prawns Prawns (Macrobranchium rosenbergii), including one of the leading commodity fisheries freshwater cultivation of high economic value, but has not developed to its optimum. Currently, besides local prawns are usually cultivated farmers, high yielding varieties also known as prawns gimacro (genetic improvement of macrobranchium rosenbergii) with a faster growth rate and form karapasnya smaller than the size of local prawns karapas that contain meat more. At the age of five months, the body length of male prawns gimacro reach 38 cm in body weight reached 480 grams per fish. Meanwhile, in the same period, the length of the body of local prawns reaching only 25-28 cm in body weight of only 200 grams per fish. In fact, the maximum size of local prawns ever found in the wild only 300 grams per tail. That's why gimacro prawns prawns known as super because pertumbuhanya very quickly. prawns added value options when maintenance is relatively brief, lasting from 3 to 5 months. Productio...

FISH NILEM (Osteochilus hasselti)

FISH NILEM Fish Nilem (Osteochilus hasselti) many maintained mainly by farmers in Sumatra (West Sumatra in particular) and in the region of West Java Priangan). In its original habitat, these fish are found living wild in public waters, especially in rivers that have current and water was clear. It also can be found living in a swamp. Nilem known for having a sense of meat and eggs is very tasty. In the area of Sumatra, this fish is often cooked by baking or following dipangek eggs. Classification Phyllum: cordata Class: Pisces Order: Ostariphysii Family: Cyprinidae Genus: osteochilus, Species: osteochilus hasselti, Foreign Name: nilem carp, silver shrakminnow Local Name: Wader nilem or Java), fish or pawas palau (Sumatra), brackish or pujan (Borneo) b. Morphological characteristics Nilem elongated body shape and flat. There are two pairs of whiskers on his head. Abdomen reddish color and a greenish brown color back. Color tail fins, anus, and abdomen reddish. Body size of adult fish t...

Classification of fish catfish

Classification of fish catfish At least there are two kinds of catfish are popular and widely grown in cultivation ponds, namely local catfish and catfish Siamese. Here is the classification of each type of catfish it. - Patin Siam Phyllum: Chordata Class: Pisces Order: Siluriformes Suborder: Siluroidea Family: Pangasiidae Genus: Periopthalmus Species: Periopthalmus sutchi, or Pangasius sutchi, or Pangasius hypothalmus. Foreign Name: thai catfish, stripped catfish Local Name: catfish bangkok, bangkok catfish, Siamese Jambal - Patin Jambal Phyllum: Chordata Class: Pisces Order: Siluriformes Sub-order: Siluroidea Family: Pangasiidae Genus: Pangasius Species: Pangasius djambal, or pongosius Pangasius, or Pangasius spp_ Foreign Name: schilbeid catfish Local Name: Jambal catfish, catfish kipar source: Khairul Amri, S.Pi. M. Si and Khairuman, S.P, AgroMedia Pustaka, 2008.

Catfish fish morphology

Catfish fish morphology. catfish fish is one type of fish from catfish groups. The length of adult catfish reached 120 cm. This body size is a measure of body belonging to the fish catfish species. Elongated shape with a dominant color such as silver glittery white on the back and bluish. Body color silvery glow very bright as a child, so many people who keep the aquarium as ornamental fish. This silver color will fade after the larger catfish. Just like other catfish, catfish do not have the stature aka slippery scales. Form a relatively small head. Her mouth is located at the lower end of the head. In the corner of his mouth are two pairs of whiskers that serves as a search tool feed and tentacle while swimming. At the back there are fins with a strong fingers that can turn into shaft. soft fingers fruit numbered 6-7. form symmetrical forked tail fin. In the pectoral fin is 12-13 fingers - fingers soft and one hard fingers that function as shaft. Anus fin length, consisting of 30-33 ...

Living Conditions and Life Habits patin

Living Conditions and Life Habits Patin very tolerant of acidity (pH) of water. This fish can survive in waters with a degree of acidity is slightly acidic (low pH) to the alkaline waters (high pH) with pH 5-9. Oxygen content (02) solute needed for the life of catfish are 3-6 ppm. Levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) that can ditoleran is 9-20 ppm. The required level of alkalinity 80-250 ppm. Meanwhile, the optimal water temperature for the growth of catfish is 28-30 ° C. In its original habitat, the fish is always hiding in holes. As fish nocturnal (active at night), a new catfish out of his hiding hole when it was getting dark. Other habits, this fish is more settled in the bottom-waters than appears on the surface of the water. Therefore, catfish is classified as basic water fish (demersal). This can be proved from the form of a broad mouth like the mouth of demersal fishes in general. Naturally, catfish feed in the wild form of small fish, worms, detritus (pengurai microbes in the bottom...


SEPAT SIAM Snakeskin consists of several types, but the famous are only two kinds of sepat (Trichogaster trichopterus) long, 12 cm maksimuni his clan sepat siam (Trichogaster pectorahs) the maximum body length of 25 cm. Snakeskin first type is not cultivated, while sepat siam a freshwater fishery commodities mainstay widely cultivated. Snakeskin Siamese inserted into Indonesia from Thailand through Malaysia in 1934. This fish had been cultivated for the first time in Indonesia in 1935. These fish are widely scattered throughout the territory of Indonesia in 1937. Not surprisingly, the Siamese sepat also found living in a swamp. Siamese Snakeskin is an important economic fish is very popular used as salted fish. Siamese sepat menu is fried salted usually served as a vegetable side dishes complement the menu of popular tamarind in Jakarta and Java Bar • at. Therefore, this type sepat very widely known and cultivated in various regions in Indonesia. Classification Phyllum: Chordata Class:...

Fish Tawes, java carp, silver barb

Tawes Tawes including one type of freshwater fish are quite popular Indonesian society. Tawes is still small is usually processed into dried salted fish. The reason, this fish is relatively thin and contains little fat, so that when dried in the sun will quickly dry and not smell rancid. Meanwhile, large Tawes cooked in a fresh state for having the taste and aroma of delicious meat, in addition to Indonesia, Tawes can be found in Laos and Vietnam. Classification Tawes is one of the original fish that Indonesia country, many found on the island of Java. This is also the cause Tawes has the scientific name Puntius javanicus. However, transformed into Puntim gonionotus, and finally turned into Barbodes gonionotus. This Berikul complete classification. Pyllum: cordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Cypriniformes Family: Cyprinidae Genus: Barbodes Species: Barbodes gonionotus Foreign Name: java carp, silver barb I Local Name: Tawes, taweh or alum, lampam Java Source: Khairul Amri, S. Pi, M. S...