Kinds of spawn.

Kinds of spawn.

Research to fish larva and egg [in] free nature in Indonesia not yet [done/conducted] many, again, [do] not as in some neighbouring state. Delsman ( 1921 - 1938) representing first person [doing/conducting] research exhaustively to fish larva and egg of pelagis [in] Java Sea. But still limited to some just species that is some of important economic fishs which there are [in] Java Sea. Still many other species [of] bream goodness and also sea fish in Indonesia which not yet been checked. Egg and fish larva which [is] conducting have checked many by [all] student but generally not yet been publicized. Some kinds of egg of pelagis larva and [in] Java Sea got by Delsman like [at] Picture 13.

Picture 13. Kinds of spawn of pelagis of Java Sea and Malacca Strait ( Delsman, 1929) Picture boldness

1. Chirocentrus Dorab
3. Clupea Fimbriata
4. Stelophorus Heterolobus
5. Engraulis Kammalensis
6. Stolephorus Indicus
7. Trichiurus Sp
8. Muraena Sp
9. Decapterus ( Caranx) Kurra
10. Hemirhampus Spec .
11. Caranx Macrosoma
12. Dorosoma Chacunda
13. Chanos Chanos
14. Pellona Sp.
15. Cybium Maculatum
16. Echeneis Naucrates
17. Saurida Tumbil
18. Harpodon Nehereus
19. Tetrodon Sp .
21. Fistularia Serrata

Research of fish larva and egg of pelagis in Indonesia require to pay attention many factor playing a part. Most pattern breeder of fishs in Indonesia still not yet been known, big therefore its possibility in [is] during the year got [by] fish which [is] berpijah. Thereby hence will be got [by] kinds of fish larva and egg jumbling in growth storey;level which different each other. [Do] not all spawn have [is] same form, but there [is] egg having size measure and form which much the same to like [at] species which in one gender or which nearby just small distinguishment base on its species. Source M. Ichsan Effendie, 1997.


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