prospective parent tilapia
Prospective Parent Nila
male tilapia
- Board of brightly colored grayish black
- Form of lamellar body (compressed) with full and regular scale
- Member or incomplete organs, scales regularly, your body is not disabled and there is no deformity, the body is not attached by a parasite, no lumps, gill net, gill cover normal (not thick or thin) and slimy.
- * Elasticity body: chewy and not mushy
- Age:
Males 6-8 months
Females 6-8 months
- Total length:
Males 16-25 cm
Females 14-20 cm
- Body weight:
Males: 400-600 grams
Females: 300-450 grams
female tilapia
male tilapia
- Board of brightly colored grayish black
- Form of lamellar body (compressed) with full and regular scale
- Member or incomplete organs, scales regularly, your body is not disabled and there is no deformity, the body is not attached by a parasite, no lumps, gill net, gill cover normal (not thick or thin) and slimy.
- * Elasticity body: chewy and not mushy
- Age:
Males 6-8 months
Females 6-8 months
- Total length:
Males 16-25 cm
Females 14-20 cm
- Body weight:
Males: 400-600 grams
Females: 300-450 grams