Brown algae Indonesia Able to Treat Tumors

Brown algae Indonesia Able to Treat Tumors

More recently, Center for Research and Development Center for Product Processing and Biotechnology (BBRP2B) Research and Development of Marine and Fisheries (Balitbang KP) announces its latest research results. Species of brown algae Turbinaria decurrens ie living in Indonesia is considered capable of killing tumor cells of the cervix.
Research that states that the algae or seaweed to treat cancer is not the first time. Previously, the red algae species Rhodymenia palmata and Ulva fasciata species of green algae are also reported to kill breast tumor cells.
According to one researcher of such research, Nurrahmi, seaweed rich in compounds called flavonoids that have as an antitumor effect. He hopes to use algae research should be expanded. "Utilization of algae should not be limited to karigin sources, but could be the biological resources of raw materials of drugs," he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Research and Development Agency Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Rizald M. Rompas added that if Indonesia succeeded in creating industry-based medicine seaweed, then the results can reach five to six times greater than the value of cultured fish in Indonesia a year.



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