Sailfin Molly (Poecilia latipinna, P. velifera) This type looks like from the outside, but P. velifera, which is also more precise, known as the Yucatan Molly, much bigger. In a population of P. latipinna in nature, not all males have the characteristics such as screen width fin (Sailfin). Both types of interbreeding and as a result a lot of variation in the aquarium that appears. DETAILS OF. Size: P. latipinna: male about 10 cm (4 inches); female 12 cm (4 3 / 4inci) P. velifera: males up to 15 cm (6 inches); female 18 cm (7 inches). The origin: P. latipinna: Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Florida, and the Atlantic coast of Mexico. P. elifera: Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico Ease maintained Easy to moderate direction. Children breeding: fish in large quantities (up to 140 head) every 6-10 weeks is not rare. AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE. Water: Water-base, hardness medium containing 5-10 percent salt sea water is preferred. Temperature: 23-28 ° C 73-82 ° F, with temperatures approaching the ...