
Showing posts from March, 2015

Koi Fish

Koi Fish Koi are ornamental fish are widely kept in freshwater ponds. for ornamental fish hobbyists, koi fish serve as the mainstay of ornamental fish. why koi fish serve as the mainstay because these fish have a high value. conditions suitable for pond maintenance koi fish that pond wall with clear water.

Fish yellow-headed jawfish

Fish yellow-headed jawfish Opistognathus aurifrons These fish species like to live in burrows, on reasonable grounds in the form of fine sand or gravel. This fish spends most of his time was in the sand with the half body outside and half his body again in burrows or hovering over the canal. when the substrates area wide enough so some of this tail can be maintained in the same aquarium. details of the type: size of 12.5 cm (5 inches) in natural fish size is typically smaller than the fish inside the aquarium. the origin of this fish: The tropical Atlantic west Breeding: jawfish relatively easy to lay eggs in the aquarium. The males will keep the eggs in his mouth.

Water quality that meets the requirements for aquaculture hatchery catfish (Clarias batrachus Linn.)

Water quality that meets the requirements for aquaculture hatchery catfish ( Clarias batrachus Linn. ) Ground water for spawning and rearing seed - Temperature: 25-32 degrees Celsius - Suspended solids: maximum 400 mg / l - Turbidity: a maximum of 50 NTU - Dissolved oxygen: up to 5 mg / l - Carbon Dioxide: Maximum 12 mg / l - PH: 6.5 to 8.5 - Ammonia Total: maximum of 1 mg / l total ammonia - Nitrite: maximum 0.1 mg / l - Alkalinity: minimum 0.1 mg / l - Total hardness: minimum 20 mg / l CaCO3 Surface water for the maintenance of the prospective parent and parent - Temperature: 26-32 degrees Celsius - Suspended solids: maximum 600 mg / l - Turbidity: 250 NTU maximum - Dissolved oxygen: up to 5 mg / l - Carbon Dioxide: Maximum 12 mg / l - PH: 6.5 to 8.5 - Ammonia Total: maximum of 1 mg / l total ammonia - Nitrite: maximum 0.2 mg / l - Alkalinity: Minimum of 50 mg / l - Total hardness: minimum 20 mg / l CaCO3

Blue Damsel (Chrysiptera cyanea)

decorative fish Blue Damsel ( Chrysiptera cyanea ) This fish is one of the few blue damsel and a blue-and-yellow are available. Blue damsel fish have aggressive and tough character, especially in defending its territory. Blue damsel fish usually live alone or in small groups in the aquarium. Size of about 6 cm (2 ¼ inches). Blue damsel fish comes from the Pacific Ocean to the west and the eastern part of the Indian ocean. These fish spawn on the substrate, the temperature of the water for maintenance is 26 degrees Celsius

Sailfin molly

Sailfin Molly (Poecilia latipinna, P. velifera) This type looks like from the outside, but P. velifera, which is also more precise, known as the Yucatan Molly, much bigger. In a population of P. latipinna in nature, not all males have the characteristics such as screen width fin (Sailfin). Both types of interbreeding and as a result a lot of variation in the aquarium that appears. DETAILS OF. Size: P. latipinna: male about 10 cm (4 inches); female 12 cm (4 3 / 4inci) P. velifera: males up to 15 cm (6 inches); female 18 cm (7 inches). The origin: P. latipinna: Carolina, Virginia, Texas, Florida, and the Atlantic coast of Mexico. P. elifera: Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico Ease maintained Easy to moderate direction. Children breeding: fish in large quantities (up to 140 head) every 6-10 weeks is not rare. AQUARIUM MAINTENANCE. Water: Water-base, hardness medium containing 5-10 percent salt sea water is preferred. Temperature: 23-28 ° C 73-82 ° F, with temperatures approaching the ...

Management of fish feed

Management of fish feed. In aquaculture, feed is an important component that requires a lot of costs for procurement. Feed directly influence the growth rate of farmed fish 1. Fish Food Nutrition. Quality feed nutritionally complete and balanced. Fish feed must contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in sufficient quantities and qualify the needs of fish. a. Protein. Proteins are complex organic compounds are composed of many amino acid protein can be derived from plants and animals. Proteins of vegetable plants are usually more difficult to digest fish because wrapped cellulose. The content of amino acids in vegetable protein is less complete so need to be supplemented with animal protein. Protein is the most important element in the feed. The main function of protein for fish metabolism is acting as a network builder body, replacing damaged tissue, plays a role in reproduction, the main constituent component of enzymes and hormones, and plays a role in metabolic p...

Fish pond embankment

fish pond embankment. Calm water fish pond has many important components, such as a fish pond dike. Fish pond dike made with a trapezoidal shape is wider bottom. This meant that not prone to landslides. The slope of the embankment should be no more than 45, to make the pond needs to be done hoeing the middle, move the soil to the edge, forming dikes. To prevent landslides embankment cliff, cliffs can be planted with grass (Cynodon dactilon). rearing pond depth is 100-150 cm. The water level of the bottom of the pool can be set from a height of 50-120 cm, depending on seed size and stocking density. When the fish have started great with a dense population, the water level can be expanded up to 120 cm.

Seeds of fish to be stocked and cultivated in ponds, floating net cages and cages should be checked beforehand health.

Seeds of fish to be stocked and cultivated in ponds, floating net cages and cages should be checked beforehand health. In the selection of fish to be stocked seeds should be healthy and have the same size so that growth can be together until the harvest. Some criteria for healthy fish seed is as follows: A. Having the same size and brightly colored B. when the fish move in the water, the fish must be agile and nimble C. The fish should be healthy and free from germs D. fish seed should be complete no defects and injuries due to transport or pathogen infection. E. The position of the body in the normal water F. If the water in the container is rotated, fish will be swimming against the tide turns.

Physical characteristics coral trout grouper

Physical characteristics coral trout grouper Body elongated fish and upright on the head, body and the central part of the fin gray colored green, red or orange-reddish brown with spots have dark blue spots on the edges. At the head has a diameter of freckles freckles eyes or greater on the coral grouper melody generally rough spots of blue spots on the body elliptical but instead on the coral grouper smooth melody freckle freckle has a rounded shape and smaller in size. Freckle spots located at the rear of the body has a round shape and small size while the bottom of the head and the body does not have blue spots but there is a blue dot on the base of its pectoral fins. At the end of the tail fin grouper sunu flat shape of the fin tip there is a white line while the dorsal fin spines, there are as many as seven to eight

Koi fish

koi fish. koi fish is a species of freshwater fish, koi fish live in the crystal clear waters. koi fish including ornamental fish are widely kept as a fish that has a high value. color of koi fish are very diverse kinds. water quality standards for the maintenance of koi fish is temperature 20-25 degrees Celsius. 7-8 pH, dissolved oxygen is greater than 5 mg / liter, NH3 less than 0.02 mg / liter, turbidity 40-60 cm, carbon dioxide 2-11 mg / liter, less than 0.05 ppm nitrite, alkalinity greater of 20 mg / liter, total hardness greater than 20 mg / liter.


goldfish with beautiful colors. The fish used as a pet fish at home. goldfish live in freshwater with clear water conditions, a lot of oxygen and low temperatures. the goldfish with a beautiful color is very entertaining owner, goldfish are not used as food.

Fish komet

comet ornamental fish, this fish is a type of carp that live in fresh water, these fish have a variety of colors, the dominant colors are red, white, yellow, black. many kept in a private pool near the residence. This fish food in the form of artificial feed mill.