Management of fish feed

Management of fish feed. In aquaculture, feed is an important component that requires a lot of costs for procurement. Feed directly influence the growth rate of farmed fish 1. Fish Food Nutrition. Quality feed nutritionally complete and balanced. Fish feed must contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in sufficient quantities and qualify the needs of fish. a. Protein. Proteins are complex organic compounds are composed of many amino acid protein can be derived from plants and animals. Proteins of vegetable plants are usually more difficult to digest fish because wrapped cellulose. The content of amino acids in vegetable protein is less complete so need to be supplemented with animal protein. Protein is the most important element in the feed. The main function of protein for fish metabolism is acting as a network builder body, replacing damaged tissue, plays a role in reproduction, the main constituent component of enzymes and hormones, and plays a role in metabolic processes in the body of the fish. Group of carnivorous fish requires a larger protein than fish herbivores and omnivores. The optimum protein content of fish feed is 25-35% . Fat serves as a source of energy. In feed formulation, fatty fish can help buoyancy at the surface of the water. Fat content in a good feed is 4-16%. Excessive fat in food is not good for the health of fish as food becomes easily oxidized so that the smell became unwell. Carbohydrates. Carbohydrate into energy source for fish, can be used directly into energy. Materials containing carbohydrates such as corn, bran, tapioca and sago. carbohydrate fish needs to be influenced by the type of fish. herbivorous fish such as carp, Tawes, Nilem need carbohydrates greater than omnivore and carnivore. Fish herbivores have carbohydrate digestibility higher. Needs carbohydrates to feed herbivorous fish is between 30-40%, 25-35% omnivores, and carnivores 15-20% Vitamin. Vitamins are essential compounds that can only be filled from outside the fish, and is required in small amounts. Vitamins can be added to the diet because the body can not produce fish. Fish that eat all the nutrients, including vitamins from natural foods. Mineral.Mineral fish needed in small amounts but very dizzy. Minerals function in the metabolism and tissue formation. Minerals are divided into two, namely makromineral such as calcium (Ca), sulfur (S) Phosphorous (P), Chloride (Cl) natrum (Na), potassium (K), and Magesium (Mg), while mikromineral is zinc (zn), Manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), chromium (Cr), Fluorine (F), and lodium (l). Mineral Fe, Cu, and Cr. play a role in respiratory function while minera Ca, P, F and Mg plays a role in the function of the formation of bones, teeth and scales.


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