fish farming in small fields

fish farming in small fields

land area of ​​fish farming is increasingly narrowed due to the many land conversion of agricultural land into land for housing, industry, commerce made limited land fish farming especially in urban areas, especially for the more limited scope for fish farming. While on the other hand increased food consumption needs, especially the needs of the animal protein required for maintenance and growth.

From the above we need to make fish farming in small fields. One of the fish farming in small fields is the cultivation of the pool tarp.

cultivation in the pool tarp has been done in various regions in Indonesia.

generally for farmed fish in the pool tarp that is the type of fish that have a great tolerance towards the oxygen content in the water. some types of fish that have a high tolerance for the minimal amount of oxygen is catfish and carp.

fish farming in ponds tarp does not take a broad space for pool tarp size generally is 3 m long and 2 meters wide
fish farming


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