
Showing posts from April, 2015

Constraints in aquaculture

Constraints in aquaculture 1. The area of ​​cultivation narrowing 2. Low cultivation technology 3. Prices of agricultural products purchased lower farm level. 3. Means inadequate infrastructure 4. The low level of capital 5. Human resources moving to the farm on the wane fish farming

Red New guinea rainbowfish

Red New Guinea Rainbowfish. This fish species is really impressive. androgynous male fish have a high hump at the back of the head that slightly tapered. The males also have a deep red color. The second characteristic mentioned above is not contained in a female fish are smaller. DETAILS OF Size: Males up to 15 cm (6 inches): while the females are much smaller fish. The origin of the fish: Papua New Guinea to the north. Ease maintained that is easy to moderate direction. Breeding: Eggs scattered among the vegetation often at existing plants in the bottom of the pond or water with delicate leaves such as Java moss (Vesiculara dubyona) and takes up to about a week to hatch their eggs.

Mina chiken

MINA CHICKEN. Mina chicken (fish and chicken) is one of the integrated aquaculture business, business management system mina chicken is no different with the management of fish farming in ponds, while raising chickens as is generally done. Chicken coop built on top of the pool or at the edge of the pond fish so chicken manure and leftover chicken feed will fall into a fish pond. The advantages of integrated fish farm chicken mina, among others, (a) utilize the vacant land area above the fish pond; (B) utilizing the chicken manure is used as fertilizer for the pond; (C) chicken food scraps that fall into the pool can be used to feed the fish; and (d) the use of land for fisheries and livestock diversification. Shortage of integrated fish farm chicken mina among others, (a) which have not been dried chicken manure which falls into the pool cause odor; (B) if the rest of the chicken manure and residual feed falls into the pool can lead to excessive enrichment of the pool so that there wil...


damselfish. damselfish (Anabas testudineus) is a native species of fish common Indonesian waters. In Borneo, the damselfish is a freshwater fish of high economic value and has a high price. In East Kalimantan, the price is very high consumption damselfish, reaching Rp70.000,00 - Rp100,000,00 / kg, while in Sumatra between Rp 20.000,00 / kg - Rp40.000,00 / kg. This fish is very easy to be cultivated because it can live in stagnant waters minimal oxygen lack of oxygen. In Borneo and Sumatra, damselfish is one freshwater fish arrest in nature very intensive, This is seen from the damselfish production in some areas continues to increase each year. In East Kalimantan, in 2004 the production of the damselfish 91 tons increased to 150 tonnes in 2005. Prices are high damselfish encourage intensive arrest so feared causing over fishing that will ultimately threaten the damselfish populations in the wild.


Swamp. Swamp is an area of ​​low land which always has a sensitivity of stagnant water at a certain time and throughout the year. Swamp water sources include rainwater, water overflow due to the propagation of tides and water overflow flooding upstream. Based on water resources, wetlands can be divided into tidal marsh and nonpasang downs. Tidal marsh is low land water bodies dipengaruh by tidal movement. Tidal marsh water bodies in direct contact with the river so that the acidity is reduced. Habitat conditions are relatively fertile and inhabited by more aquatic organisms. Species composition of aquatic fauna that inhabit the marsh area is dominated by the river fish. Moving water bodies in accordance with the movement of the tide. This opens the possibility to apply the method of raising fish in the river, which is the method cage and tidal pools. While nonpasang receding swamp called the Valley is an area that has a low sensitivity and stagnant water from rainfall or ove...

Catfish in indonesia

Catfish. Catfish (Clarias sp) is a freshwater fish the second most widely produced in Indonesia through aquaculture. In 2010, production reached 270.6 thousand tonnes of catfish. There are three species of catfish are grown in Indonesia, namely the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), local catfish (c. Batrachus), and catfish keli (c. Maladerma) African catfish is an introduced species, while the local catfish and catfish keli are native species. In addition, it has produced two varieties of catfish superior, namely catfish and catfish sangkuriang phiton. Catfish is one of the superior fish that can be cultivated in various containers and aquatic environment, and can be stocked with high density.

Populer fishes

Popular fishes. Among freshwater fish cultivated, some species are popular fish, either because it is the most widely cultivated fish, lead fish, or as a food fish that has long been known. a. Goldfish. Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is the oldest fish in the history of freshwater aquaculture in Indonesia. Even goldfish is the most widely cultivated fish in Indonesia until 2003. In 2003-2004 carp aquaculture in Indonesia experienced a disease KHV (Koi Herpes Virus) are terrible. Until late 2004, the center of cultivation centers carp was destroyed, however, the cultivation of carp remain in demand. In 2010, the national fish production reached 267.1 thousand tons, which ranks third after tilapia and catfish. b. Nila. Currently tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica) is the belle of freshwater fish in Indonesia. National tilapia production in 2010 reached 491.8 thousand tons, which was ranked first. Farmed tilapia absorbed the local and export markets. Tilapia is also the most fish produce new varieties...

Indian Glassfish

Ornamental Fish Indian Glassfish Indian Glassfish (Chanda ranga) This fish is a fish that is beautiful and soft. Fish is popular in the 1980s. This fish is also known as a fish painted or disco GlassFish. Details Type: Size: 6 cm (2 ¼ inches) Origins: Myanmar (Burma), India, Thailand. maintenance: Water: This fish prefers hard water, up to 3 teaspoons of salt added to each 4.5 liters (1 gallon imperial) water. Temperature: 18-25 degrees Celsius (64-77 degrees F) Food: regular use of artificial feed or food of life.

Indian Glassfish

Ornamental Fish Indian Glassfish Indian Glassfish (Chanda ranga) This fish is a fish that is beautiful and soft. Fish is popular in the 1980s. This fish is also known as a fish painted or disco GlassFish. Details Type: Size: 6 cm (2 ¼ inches) Origins: Myanmar (Burma), India, Thailand. maintenance: Water: This fish prefers hard water, up to 3 teaspoons of salt added to each 4.5 liters (1 gallon imperial) water. Temperature: 18-25 degrees Celsius (64-77 degrees F) Food: regular use of artificial feed or food of life.

Fish as food health and pharmacy

Fish as Food Health and Pharmacy. The notion that fish and aquatic biota important role in health and human intelligence has been proven by experts. In the last 25 years a lot of scientific discoveries from the world of nutrition and health experts who prove that fish and other seafood species is very good for health and human intelligence (Fridman, 1998 in Dahuri, 2003). In fact due to seafood containing an average of 20% digestible protein with essential amino acid composition is balanced. Fish also contains omega-3 which is very important for the development of brain tissue and prevent heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Experts prove that omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the growth process of nerve cells, including brain cells, so as to improve intelligence, especially in children who are undergoing a process of growth and development. Deficiencies in eating foods that contain omega-3 resulted in a number of mental disorders: depression, poor memory, low in...

utilization of freshwater fish consumption. (Food ingredients)

utilization of freshwater fish consumption. 1. foodstuffs 2. The health food and pharmaceutical 3. industrial raw materials 4. ornamental fish 5. The science and technology 1. Food Ingredients. fish and aquatic biota (water) is generally a highly nutritious food and have exploited mankind since humans began hunting. Humans who live around rivers, lakes, and marine capture and picked up a variety of aquatic biota to eaten raw or cooked. Initially, the fish is only used as a side dish. For residents as its main food ingredients rich in carbohydrates such as rice, corn, bananas, cassava, sago, and the other, the only fish in the complement every meal. Even in certain communities, fish consumed only at certain times. While still a child, the author often hear the words "do not eat a lot of fish, worms later." The words spoken by the parents to their children because of their ignorance about the nutritional value of fish. Therefore, the level of fish consumption of Indonesia...


PROSPECTS OF FISH FARMING IN FRESH WATER CONSUMPTION. In 2011, Indonesia produced about 10.4 million tons of fish consisting of production of 5.1 million tonnes capture fisheries and aquaculture or aquaculture amounted to 5.3 million tons. Capture fisheries production of 5.1 million tonnes has already reached the optimum point or solid catch (full fishing) that it can not be improved anymore. Capture fisheries production of 5.1 million tons are already approaching the limits of international commitments regarding the production of fishing is only allowed to reach 80%. Indonesia's fishery potential, particularly marine fisheries, amounting to 6.4 million tons in the sustainable potential. With production of 5.1 million tonnes mean capture fisheries production has reached 79.6%. While international commitments in CCRF (Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries) arranged for fishing does not exceed 80% of the sustainable potential. In general water or fresh water, capture fisheries ...

Sea water aquarium

Sea Water Aquarium. As we move past the deadline and brackish water aquarium, we get into shape really seawater. When we go over that, a whole new world opens, fish and invertebrates. has a stunning color that we often hold my breath. Most of these creatures come from the coral reef environment, and as well we admit it or not, we are all captivated by the beautiful underwater scenery of the tropics, it is not surprising, and completely understandable, that so many new aquarium owners fell in love with the concept has a miniature coral reef with all its glory. However, before plunging straight practice. there are some important questions that need to be considered. For example, coral animals and plants derived from one of the most stable habitats known to man, and creatures that have evolved over the long term so as to adjust.  There are three main types of marine aquarium. 1. aquarium fish only, consists of a selection of fish species that can live together in harmony. 2. aquarium ...

The shape of the tail fin fish.

The shape of the tail fin fish. The above picture shows that the spherical shape of a fish tail. examples of the types of fish that have a rounded tail shape is catfish.

Fish Komet

comet goldfish. fish comet is a kind of fish that have a variety of colors. This fish reared in ponds or tanks. pisciculture is generally carried out at the pool made of walls. These fish include fish omnivorous (eating everything).